Guest speaker at the Berlin Real Estate Congress for the fourth year in a row
On Wednesday, 27 March 2019, the Berlin Real Estate Congress met for the fourth time at the dbb forum Berlin. This year once again, we participated in one of the panels as a podium speaker.
Covering the topic “Hotspot Treptow Köpenick – Where the boom is at your fingertips”, our senior consultant, Tobias Bajtel, together with Dr. Stefan Behrendt, research analyst Dr. Lübke & Kelber GmbH, Friso Garbers, Investment Management Residential Primevest-Capital-Partners Deutschland GmbH and Jürgen Schorn, managing partner of Bauwerk Capital GmbH & Co. KG not only discussed the Berlin district but also the capital’s development potential. The panel was moderated by lawyer and mediator Anette Ehlers.
A total of over 300 participants and speakers from the real estate industry attended the event to discuss the market and its trends, the increasing housing shortage and digitization. At the same time, many took advantage of the opportunity to gain information through the expert talks and establish new contacts.
from left to right: Anette Ehlers, Lawyer and Mediator Seen I said I Done; Dr. Stefan Behrendt, Research Analyst Lübke & Kelber GmbH; Friso Garbers, Investment Management Residential Primevest Capital Partners Deutschland GmbH; Tobias Bajtel, Senior Consultant David Borck Immobiliengesellschaft mbH and Jürgen Schorn, Managing Partner Bauwerk Capital GmbH & Co. KG
v.l.n.r.: Friso Garbers, Investment Management Residential Primevest Capital Partners Deutschland GmbH; Tobias Bajtel, Senior Consultant David Borck Immobiliengesellschaft mbH and Jürgen Schorn, Managing Partner Bauwerk Capital GmbH & Co. KG
The copyright is owned by Sven Darmer/ W&R IMMOCOM.