Start of construction for the new project Podbielskiallee 38a in Dahlem
Green light for the start of construction in Dahlem! At the beginning of this year, the construction work for the new town villa in Podbielskiallee 38a has begun, which, once completed, will blend in perfectly with the magnificent landscape of the surrounding villas. Our goal is to hand over the keys to the new residents at the beginning of 2020. In order for this to happen, construction work has now begun. The first step was the excavation of the ground and insertion of the steel girders, while the shaft pits for the main pipelines were being dug at the same time. The next step will be to install the subconcrete between the construction pit bottom and the foundation of the building, after which the floor slab will be concreted. Once this is done, all preparations will have been made to start the shell construction work. The topping-out ceremony is scheduled for early summer.
Impressions from the construction site: