Open house in the ++NeuHouse++ showroom
NeuHouse stands for impressive architecture in an exceptional location: between Checkpoint Charlie and the Jewish Museum, the ensemble is built of a listed old building and a modern new building:
- 14 apartments in old building
- 61 apartments in new building
- 6 business units
- 1 – 5 rooms
- 24 sqm – 149 sqm
- 34 underground parking spaces
We would like to invite all interested customers to visit the ++NeuHouse++ showroom at Schlüterstr. 45 in 10707 Berlin on Sunday, November 26th, 2017 from 11 am to 1 pm, and to have a look at the various apartment types of the old and newly build apartments.
For pre-registration, please contact: neuhouse@david-borck.de.
For further informations, pictures and ground plans of the new building project, please visit: www.neuhouse-berlin.de/en
We are looking forward to you!
Your David Borck Immobiliengesellschaft mbH
Schlüterstraße 45 | 10707 Berlin | service@david-borck.de
Telefon +49 (0)30 887 74250 | Telefax +49 (0)30 887 742525