++nio++ is sought-after!
After the successfull launch of sale for the new building project ++nio++ in 2015 the first building out of nine building units has now been completely sold: all units in house 4 are sold.
The property forms with its 15 owner-occupied flats the centre of the u-shaped residential ensemble. It has 1-,2- and 3-room flats between approx. 37 sqm and 106 sqm. The future residents profit from a western exposure with a view of the ample courtyard.
But not only the house in the Malmöer Straße is sought-after – more than 40% of all flats are taken. Currently, there are 1 to 5 flats for sale with a floor space between 40 sqm and 153 sqm.
Contact us to arrange a consultation appointment:
E nio@david-borck.de | T +49 (0)30 887 742 50